Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Discover the Necessity of Visiting a Podiatrist!

A podiatrist is a medical professional with expertise in diagnosing, treating, and preventing conditions and injuries related to the feet and ankles. Most individuals only consider consulting a podiatrist if they encounter a specific foot or ankle condition requiring specialized attention. If you haven't previously considered visiting a podiatrist, you might neglect the essential foot care you deserve. 

Below are some compelling reasons for seeking consultation and treatment from a podiatrist in New York

Dealing With Bunions –

Bunions are known for causing considerable pain and discomfort. Ignoring them can lead to their deterioration with time, potentially resulting in more severe medical issues. That's why seeking a consultation with a podiatrist is essential if you suspect you have a bunion. A podiatrist is the most qualified professional to evaluate your condition and recommend the most appropriate treatment for your unique case. They will assess the extent of your bunions, discuss any lifestyle changes that may be necessary, and provide treatment such as orthotics or surgery if needed.

Sensing Heel Discomfort – 

When you encounter discomfort in your heel region, you may be dealing with a condition known as plantar fasciitis. The primary indicator of plantar fasciitis is a sharp pain in the heels, primarily upon waking up or following extended periods of sitting. It's advisable to seek consultation and treatment without delay from a podiatrist in New York, as this condition tends to deteriorate with time.

Underlying Health Conditions –

Various medical conditions can heighten the likelihood of foot-related problems. Diseases like diabetes, arthritis, inadequate blood circulation, obesity, and various other ailments can impact the health of your feet. If you have any underlying health conditions, you must watch your feet' well-being and promptly seek medical attention if you observe any changes.

Foot And Ankle Injuries –

Injuries to the feet and ankles, such as sprains, strains, and fractures, are frequent and can result from various sports, physical exercise, or even just walking on uneven surfaces. A podiatrist can evaluate the severity of the injury and offer foot care services in New York, which may encompass methods like immobilization, physical therapy, non-surgical interventions, or surgery in severe cases.

Dealing With An Ingrown Toenail –

An ingrown toenail is a condition where the edges or corners of your toenail grow into the surrounding skin, resulting in discomfort, redness, swelling, and potential infection in the affected toe. If unaddressed, it may progress into more severe health complications, including inflammation and tissue damage. Fortunately, home remedies and suitable medical attention can help ease symptoms and prevent the recurrence of the ingrown toenail. You can effectively manage and resolve an ingrown toenail with proper care and attention from a podiatrist.

You Have A Foot Deformity –

Many people are born with foot abnormalities or acquire them due to past injuries. If you have any deformity or have experienced a significant foot injury at any point in your life, it is imperative to consult with a podiatrist in New York. Continuous observation and attentive treatment can safeguard against the progression of the deformity or injury, thereby preserving the well-being and functionality of your feet.

So, those mentioned above are some essential reasons why you need to seek consultation and treatment from a podiatrist. If you are searching for the best podiatrist in New York regarding your foot concerns, look at MKR Medical PC to consult its experienced staff.

Call (718) 303-0851 to book your consultation with a podiatrist specialist and get started on the right path to recovery for various foot concerns.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Discover The Necessity of Having A Primary Care Physician

Almost everyone becomes ill or injured at some point and requires medical attention. However, different types of doctors specialize in specific sections of the body. It can be challenging to know which kind of doctor to see.

It is where the role of the best primary care physicians in Brooklyn comes in. This dedicated medical professional takes care of your comprehensive health and guides you to specialized care when you are facing critical health concerns. But that's not the only reason you need a primary care physician. 

Below are various other essential reasons you need to see primary care physicians.

Manage Chronic Illnesses –

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 6 out of every 10 individuals suffer from a chronic condition, and 4 out of every 10 suffer from two or more chronic illnesses. It is one of the biggest causes of disability and mortality rates. Diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, heart disease, and COPD are some of the most common chronic illnesses concerns. You can live a healthier life and keep chronic conditions under control by consulting with your Brooklyn primary care provider.

Routine Screenings –                              

Taking your blood pressure at every check-up may appear tedious, but screening like this is essential for maintaining your good health. Regular testing can detect symptoms before they worsen or lead to debilitating health concerns.

Help Keep Out of The Hospital –

By detecting disease symptoms early, your primary care physicians can help ensure you receive treatment before it worsens. Individuals who regularly consult a primary care practitioner tend to have a higher probability of seeking emergency room services, incurring potential costs and time commitments.

Holistic Health Care –

Where should you go if you cough, are concerned and depressed, or are curious about a certain vaccine? Your primary care doctor undeniably provides you with the right solution or advice! Your primary care doctor strongly emphasizes holistic healthcare, implying that they are well-versed in addressing various medical concerns and efficiently managing patient well-being under one roof. You need to make an appointment with a Brooklyn primary care physician to discuss a wide range of health issues, whether physical, emotional, or mental.

Overall Health Costs –

Did you know that regularly seeing your primary care physician can help you save lots of money on health care? Embracing regular screenings and fostering open communication with your primary care physician can lead to significant cost savings in your healthcare journey. One reason is that you are more likely to prevent major illnesses from occurring, and regular screenings will help spot cancer in its earlier stages when it is easiest to cure.

You Can Find A Reliable Specialist Suggestion –

Primary care physicians are knowledgeable in various areas, but sometimes a specialist is required to treat a specific health concern. For example, you may need the services of an orthopedic specialist to treat ongoing joint discomfort or an oncologist to discuss cancer treatment choices. So, rather than searching for a specialist, your Brooklyn primary care physician might refer you to another reliable medical professional. You will save time and worry as a result of this.

Higher Level of Comfort –

People dislike talking to strangers, especially regarding their healthcare needs and concerns. So, the first step is to search for a trustworthy primary care physician. The following step is to meet regularly with your doctor to address your health concerns and overall health. It is commonly seen that patients who had primary care doctors experienced greater satisfaction when compared to individuals lacking such medical support. Building a strong relationship with a trusted physician through regular visits can enhance your quality of care.

So, those mentioned above are some essential reasons why you need to see primary care physicians. If you are searching for the best primary care physicians in Brooklyn regarding any of your health concerns, look at MKR Medical PC to consult its experienced staff.

Call (718) 303-0851 to book your consultation with a specialist and get started on the right path to recovery.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Why Is Primary Care Important For Your Heart Problems In Brooklyn ?

In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to overlook the importance of maintaining good health, especially when it comes to the heart. However, primary care plays a crucial role in identifying potential heart problems early on to ensure that your heart stays healthy for longer.

One of 5 Boroughs of NYC, Brooklyn is known for its diverse population and high rates of heart disease; therefore, citizens need to have access to quality primary care.

In this blog post, we'll explore various steps of primary care in Brooklyn which can benefit the heart health of many citizens in Borough. Let’s learn about them by scrolling down!

  1. Counseling On Nutrition -

One of the primary ways to prevent heart disease is through a healthy diet. Your primary care physician can assist you in managing your diet to suit your nutritional needs and, if necessary, can refer you to a dietician for counseling.

  1. Keeping An Eye On Your Blood Pressure -

You might not even know you have high blood pressure (hypertension). This is why checking your blood pressure regularly is crucial, at least twice every two years or more frequently. If you have high blood pressure, your primary care physician may advise you to make lifestyle changes, including consuming less sodium and engaging in more physical activity. If necessary, a doctor can also prescribe medication.

  1. Measuring Cholesterol Levels -

Blood cholesterol, a fatty-like substance produced by the liver, is crucial for preserving the regular operation of your body (homeostasis). Red meat, butter, cheese, and fried foods all contain excessive levels of saturated fats that are unhealthy for the body. Regularly consuming these foods may increase the bad cholesterol in the blood to cause coronary artery narrowing and, eventually, heart disease. 

Like high blood pressure, high cholesterol may not have many symptoms, and you may not become aware of your condition until you have a heart attack or stroke. So, working with your primary care physician can help you manage your cholesterol levels.

  1. Care For Diabetes -

Diabetes and heart disease frequently happen together because excessive blood sugar can harm different organs, including the blood arteries. Heart failure, a dangerous disorder when the heart cannot pump blood throughout the body, can also result from diabetes. Your PCP can develop an individual care plan specifically for your health requirements.

  1. Weight Management -

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for overall good health because being overweight or obese may be a significant health risk for diabetes and heart disease. Your doctor can work with you to create a strategy that includes lifestyle changes and prescribing drugs to help you lose weight to gain your ideal weight.


Primary care is crucial in maintaining one's overall health and well-being and having access to specialized healthcare professionals is equally important. For example, if you are experiencing heart-related health issues, it is essential to seek the care of an experienced cardiologist. 

Taking proactive steps towards seeking appropriate medical attention can enhance your quality of life and achieve optimal health outcomes. At MKR Medical PC, you can rest assured that your heart disease will be well cared for by a qualified and experienced Brooklyn cardiologists.

Monday, April 24, 2023

What Do You Need To Know About Cardiac Services In Georgetown ?

A number of healthcare facilities in the central Texas city of Georgetown provide top-notch cardiac services. However, it can be confusing to sort through all the alternatives accessible to those seeking medical care for heart-related problems. 

However, the procedure can be made simpler by being aware of the various healthcare services and their differences. So, all you need to know about cardiac services in Georgetown is covered in this blog, including the kind of diagnostic tests a cardiologist may suggest, the heart diseases they help you prevent and treat, and when to see a doctor.

What A Cardiologist Does ?

A cardiologist is a doctor specializing in diagnosing and treating heart diseases, hypertension, heart failure, heart valve and blood vessel issues, etc.

A cardiologist will physically check you out and inquire about your symptoms, prior medical conditions, and family history. If there are any other heart disease patients in your family, it's crucial to let your cardiologist know, as this could raise your risk of developing a heart condition.

Your cardiologist can gather crucial information about your cardiovascular health from some basic information, including the following:

  • Weight.

  • The heart rate.

  • Degrees of cholesterol.

  • Blood sugar (glucose) levels.

Your doctor will consider the findings of all tests and any tests to evaluate your risk factors for heart problems. They will also ask you about your level of exercise, nutrition, smoking status, and medication you are currently taking.

The Following Are A Few of The Conditions That Cardiologists Commonly Treat:

  1. Coronary Artery Disease: In this condition, the blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen and nutrients become narrowed or blocked, leading to chest pain or a heart attack.

  1. Heart Failure: When the heart cannot pump blood efficiently throughout the body, causing symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, and swelling in the legs and feet.

  1. Arrhythmias: involves irregular heartbeats that might make a patient feel lightheaded, dizzy, or faint.

  1. Valvular Heart Disease: This is a disorder in which the heart's valves fail to function effectively, resulting in symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, and edema.

  1. Congenital Heart Disease is when the heart or blood vessels do not develop properly before birth and can lead to severe problems depending on the specific defect.

Cardiologists also recommend dietary and activity changes and medications to control risk factors, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol, to avoid developing these illnesses.

Cardiologists May Do A Number of Tests To Assess A Patient's Heart Health, Including:

  1. Echo-cardiogram (ECG).

  2. Holter monitor.

  3. Stress test.

  4. Cardiac catheterization.

  5. CT angiogram.

  6. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

The specific tests a cardiologist performs will depend on the patient's symptoms and medical history.

When Should One Seek Out A Cardiologist ?

You should consider visiting a cardiologist if you experience any symptoms related to the heart or cardiovascular system or have risk factors for heart disease. 

Some Common Symptoms That May Warrant A Visit To A Cardiologist Include:

  1. Chest pain or discomfort.

  2. Breath discomfort.

  3. Lightheadedness or Dizziness.

  4. Legs or ankles swellings.

  5. Diabetes or other chronic conditions.

  6. Irregular heartbeat or Palpitations.

  7. High cholesterol or Blood pressure.

Additionally, if you are a heart patient or have previously been treated for a heart-related problem, you should continue to see a cardiologist for ongoing care and monitoring.


If you are searching for a well-equipped and reliable EKG facility near me, MKR Medical PC is an excellent choice. Their team of experts is dedicated to providing high-quality EKG services for accurate diagnosis. 

With their years of expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, you can rest assured that you are in good hands to diagnose and treat a cardiovascular problem accurately. So, don't hesitate to reach out to them for any cardiac services in Georgetown.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

How Do You Know When You Should See A Podiatrist?

If you are experiencing pain in your foot and ankle, it might be time to see a podiatrist. Various types of health issues may impact your feet, and one of the specialist doctors to see these foot problems is a podiatrist. A podiatrist is a specialist that focuses on all ailments related to feet and ankles. If you are experiencing any of the below-listed signs, it is time that you need to have a consultation with a podiatrist in New York regarding the problem.

You Suspect A Sprain, Strain, Or Broken Bone –

A podiatrist is a foot and ankle specialist who treats sprains, strains, and fractured bones. They can assess your injury and recommend a course of therapy. They can also assist in the creation of a flexible cast to aid in the healing of the affected area. Foot swelling and redness, difficulty walking, and increased discomfort after an injury are all reasons to contact a podiatrist.

A Blister, Ulcer, Or Sore That Won’t Go Away –

In most cases, a small blister is not a cause for concern. Those with diabetes, in particular, may find that a tiny sore can grow into a huge ulcer if not treated properly. Black tissues or gangrene around the lesion are common symptoms of severe foot ulcers. Keep a watch out for any signs of infection, such as redness surrounding the cut or pain near the area. Something unexpected like this should be investigated by a physician immediately once, especially if diabetes is involved. Depending on the circumstances, you should request an immediate appointment with a doctor to examine any irregularities in the foot and ankle area, as a small blister can soon become a significant problem for someone suffering from diabetes.

Nail Fungus –

Nail fungus incidences have increased dramatically as the popularity of nail salons and regularly scheduled pedicures have grown. If you ignore this problem, you will not only have a thick and discolored toenail, but you will also risk spreading it to your other toenails.

A Reoccurring Case Of Athlete’s Foot –

This is one of the most common causes of fungal infection, and it can usually be treated with over-the-counter lotions, ointments, or sprays. If the athlete's foot returns, a podiatrist in New York can prescribe a more effective cream or oral medicine and check for infection.

You Have An Ingrown Toenail –

If you have an ingrown toenail, get professional help instead of attempting removal on your own. As a toenail digs into the skin around it, a painful condition can develop that can eventually become serious. Since ingrown toenails don't just disappear, it's best to get professional help to get rid of them. The safest and least uncomfortable way to treat an ingrown toenail is to have it surgically removed by a podiatrist.

So, the aforementioned are some conditions that it is time for you to have a consultation with a podiatrist regarding the foot problem. If you are suffering from any of these conditions, and looking for a renowned primary care doctor in Brooklyn, NY, regarding this, then look no further than MKR Medical PC

Contact their specialist team at (718) 303-0851 for an expert consultation today!

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Structural Heart Disease - Types, Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

As the name indicates, structural heart disease may occur due to any issue with the structure of your heart. That means a person with this condition may have any abnormality in the structure or function of his heart’s chambers, valves, walls, or muscles.

Some people are born with this condition, while others develop it as they age. If it is left untreated, it can lead to other serious health issues. Hence, it’s best to see your cardiologist in New York regularly if you have this condition.

This blog describes the different types of structural disease, who can get it, its causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Different Types of Structural Heart Disease -

Generally speaking, there are three main types of structural heart disease. They are listed here-

Heart Valve Disease - It’s a condition where a valve of the heart opens and closes to control blood flow.

Cardiomyopathy- It’s a disease that involves the muscles of the heart. 

Congenital Heart Disease- It’s a broad term for structural heart problems that a person may have since the time of birth. 

Who Is At Risk?

Typically, it can affect anyone. No matter what your gender, race, or ethnicity is! Usually, people with a family history of structural heart disease are more likely to get it. 

In addition, it is more common in people whose -

  • Biological mother had exposure to industrial solvents during the period of pregnancy 

  • Parents had rubella during the first trimester of pregnancy

  • Parents had consumed certain medications

  • Parents had taken alcohol during pregnancy

  • Parents had any viral infections during pregnancy

Also, the risk of developing this disease increases as you get older. If you are at risk of developing this disease, it’s best to see a cardiologist in New York regularly and keep a check on your heart health.

Symptoms of Structural Heart Disease:

A person may not have any symptoms of this condition. But as the disease progresses, he can experience the following signs -

  • Chest pain or tightness.

  • Irregular heartbeats.

  • Shortness of breath.

  • Dizziness or fainting.

  • Fatigue.

  • High blood pressure.

  • Kidney dysfunction.

  • Abdominal swelling.

If you are living across Brooklyn and suspect these symptoms, you can visit a primary care doctor in Brooklyn, NY.

Causes of Structural Heart Disease -

As already discussed above, a person may have this condition at birth. And due to problems with the body’s DNA or genetics, the heart may develop abnormally. 

And if it occurs later in life, it could be due to the following causes -

  • Cardiovascular disease.

  • Heart attack.

  • Amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, sarcoidosis, or other diseases that damage the heart.

  • Atherosclerosis.

  • Aging

  • Excessive consumption of alcohol.

  • Aortic aneurysm.

  • Autoimmune disease

  • Diabetes

  • Thyroid disease.

  • High blood pressure

  • Muscle conditions. For example- muscular dystrophy.

Treatment of Structural Heart Disease -

Some people won’t need any treatment. But they need to monitor their condition throughout their life. And to ensure their heart is healthy and functioning well, they should regularly schedule a visit to their cardiologist. 

Based on your condition, your primary care doctor in Brooklyn, NY, may treat the disease with -

  • Necessary Medications.

  • Minimally Invasive Heart Procedures - These procedures involve making small incisions to replace or repair a defective valve, if any. 

  • Open-Heart Surgery - It’s done to allow a surgeon to open your chest wall and access your heart to replace a valve or for a heart transplant.

Discover the Necessity of Visiting a Podiatrist!

A podiatrist is a medical professional with expertise in diagnosing, treating, and preventing conditions and injuries related to the feet an...