Monday, June 24, 2019

Everything You Need to Know About Internal Medicine

Every year, many students plan to enter the ever growing field of internal medicine. Moreover, the amount of internal medicine programs and residencies are rising steadily.

But what does “internal medicine” means? How will you define it and what are its applications?

In this blog, we will break down what internal medicine is and what requirements should you fulfill to become an Internal Medicine Specialist in long Island.

Basics of Internal Medicine
In this field, doctors diagnose, prevent, and treat diseases that bother patients of all ages. Once an individual completes an internal medicine residency, they are subsequently known as an internist. Internists basically choose to specialize on one illness or one part of the body. For example, a cardiologist will focus on heart related issues, while an endocrinologist will focus on issues related to glands. An internist’s specific medical training enables them to offer proper medical guidance, which is mandatory for both disease prevention and routine care. Depending on the condition of the patient, they may be required to see  different internists, which can be both time consuming and costly.

 Internal Medicine Specialist

Academic and Professional Needs
After earning a bachelor’s degree, internists are required to go to medical school for four years. Furthermore, they are required to get themselves enrolled in residency program which is a 3 year course. During this residency, the internists receive their medical license and become board certified. If the internist decides to subspecialize, each specialization requires one to four years of extra training. During the academic studies and hands on residencies, internists are given various tasks to solve, thereby training them to deal with any medical issue, especially the one they are choosing to specialize in.

 Internal Medicine Specialist
Benefits of seeing an Internist

The precise medical training of an internist allows them to diagnose and treat patients with specific illnesses. A general internist can treat a number of diseases, but internists with a subspeciality are well trained to focus their efforts on complications stemming from one affliction. Internists are trained to offer the best preventive care, from cancer stemming to mammograms, an internist is qualified to help patients plan their schedules and establish a regular routine. They are also great at communicating with each other, giving patients the entire support they require.

Are you looking for an Internal Medicine Specialist in long Island? We would love to help. From internal care to preventive care, the experts at Long Island Heart & Vein Experts have you covered. Contact us today!

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Top 4 Lifestyle Changes That Will Help Cure Varicose Veins

Ever noticed the appearance of swollen blue colored spider like veins on your legs? These are commonly known as varicose veins.
Varicose veins are a result of improper valve functioning. This obstructs the blood flow causing insufficient supply of blood to the rest of the body parts. Varicose veins are a result of insufficient blood and oxygen supply in the veins.
There are rarely any diseases that affect the veins. You might not even have to consider veins treatments, but if the swelling, aching, and pain persists, then it is advised to seek varicose veins treatment in Long Island.
If you are somebody who is experiencing problems such as pain in the legs, blood clots, the appearance of blue-red colored veins, then you should consider getting the right treatment. If left untreated, varicose veins can develop into more serious diseases like ulcers, sores, and spider veins.

It is crucial to pay attention to the development of varicose veins and follow a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent them from worsening.
People suffering from this condition can practice the below mentioned lifestyle changes to curb the appearance of these blue-red lines on the legs.

Keep a check on your weight
It is common that a person suffering from obesity is prone to the condition of varicose veins. It is important to keep a check on the weight to avoid putting a lot of pressure on the lower legs. Excessive pressure on the lower legs will worsen varicose veins. Thus, follow a healthy diet in order to lose weight. If you are undertaking treatment for varicose veins, then losing weight will make the treatment even more effective.

Exercise regularly
Exercising regularly will help in regulating the flow of blood. Exercising regularly will keep the movement of the calf muscle regulated and aid in pumping blood back to the heart without any difficulty. Since lower legs are most prone to varicose veins, exercising will help prevent the condition from worsening and making the treatment for varicose veins more effective.

Wear compression stockings
Another method of preventing varicose veins is to wear compression stockings. If seeking treatment, your doctor will suggest you to make use of these stockings. These compression stockings will keep the leg muscles tight and prevent the condition from worsening.

Keep the legs elevated
Make sure at the end of the day, you elevate the legs to relieve any extra pressure. If you are experiencing symptoms such as pain, swelling, and aching, then elevation will help in relieving the pain. Do some exercises that will regulate the blood circulation.

Practice these lifestyle changes if you are somebody who is suffering from mild varicose veins. Even if after trying these changes, you are not able to see any improvement in your condition, then you should consider opting for varicose veins treatment in Long Island.

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A podiatrist is a medical professional with expertise in diagnosing, treating, and preventing conditions and injuries related to the feet an...