Monday, August 30, 2021

What to Expect During an Echocardiogram Test?

An echocardiogram or an echo test is a standard ultrasound test that provides a graphic outline of the heart's movement. It is a painless testing procedure that produces moving images of your heart for evaluation by the Cardiomyopathy Specialist in West Babylon, Long Island, NY. The echo test in Long Island, NY can help evaluate the functioning of a patient’s heart. 

Echo test is usually required to:

  • Evaluate your heart’s overall health.
  • Identify many kinds of heart diseases (such as valve disease, myocardial disease, cardiac abnormalities, heart defects).
  • Assess the disease progression periodically.
  • Determine the effectiveness of the medical or surgical treatments.

 What to Expect During the Echo Test? 

Echo test is a non-invasive testing procedure that does not require any special preparation. You can eat, drink and take medications as per usual. However, patients may need to avoid eating and drinking if directed by the cardiologist. The test usually takes less than an hour to complete.

  • Before the test, the doctor usually explains the procedure, and if you have any concerns, you can ask the doctor.


  • During the procedure, the patient is usually required to change into a hospital gown.


  • Next, the cardiac sonographer will place small, flat, sticky patches known as electrodes on your chest. The electrodes are attached to an electrocardiograph (EKG) monitor, which will measure your heart’s electrical activity during the test.


  • The sonographer will apply a gel substance to your chest, which helps the sound waves reach your heart.


  • During this procedure, a hand-held wand with high-frequency sound waves is used to assess the condition of the heart's valves, chambers, blood flow, and overall functioning. Thus, the sonographer will move the wand around various areas of your chest to record pictures of your heart’s different areas.

  • Sometimes sonographers may need to press a bit harder to get a clear image. The patient may also need to change positing and hold their breath to obtain better pictures of the heart. 

The pictures from the echo test are reviewed by the cardiologist to determine if the patient’s heart is healthy or has any problems. The doctor will discuss the various options after assessing your test results.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

All You Need to Know About the Dangers of a Coronary Artery Disease

Heart conditions are becoming shockingly common, even among the youth in their early thirties. While genetic predisposition to any disease is common knowledge, most Long Island cardiologists state that environmental and lifestyle factors are also key contributors in the rising cases of heart ailments.


One such heart disease with a concerning number of cases in the U.S. is coronary artery disease. Although untreatable, this condition is becoming very common even though it can be prevented with some measures.

Coronary Artery Disease & its Causes

It is a condition in which the arteries of our heart muscles get blocked due to plaque build-up (high ‘bad’ cholesterol levels). These arteries are responsible for delivering oxygen-rich blood to the heart along with other nutrients. When clogged, they start to suffocate the heart with the lack of oxygen-rich clean blood, which further leads to cardiac malfunctions in our body.

Who is at High Risk of Getting Coronary Artery Disease?

As mentioned earlier, heart conditions can be hereditary. So, if you have a family history of any cardiac problems, you are potentially at risk. You might also be at risk if you have:

  • High blood pressure;
  • High cholesterol levels;
  • diabetes.

 Apart from this, some lifestyle habits can aggravate the problem as well, like
  • Smoking;
  • Obesity;
  • Lack or absence of physical activities.

What are the Early Symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease?

Early symptoms of CAD may appear to be very minor discomforts and thus are often overlooked by many. However, you should be cautious if you experience any of these symptoms persistently:

  • Breathlessness with minimal exertion or even when at rest;
  • Weakness, or chronic fatigue;
  • Dizziness, or light-headedness;
  • Nausea, or cold sweating;
  • Other chest discomforts like tightening, numbness, burning, etc.

What to do if the Symptoms Persist?

 Take a note of when you start to experience mild symptoms and then how often do they persist. If they’re recurring but mild, you can schedule a cardiac screening to rule out the possibility of any other ailment disguising as CAD. However, if you experience moderate to severe pain, do not waste a moment and seek medical attention immediately. Your physician will perform a series of tests before knowing for certain about the condition and its severity.

Until then take care of your heart health by employing preventive measures as suggested by your physician. You can also schedule an appointment with MKR Medical PC specialists to get the best
Coronary Artery Disease Treatment in Long Island.

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