Tuesday, September 21, 2021

5 Lifestyle Management Tips Your Physician Wants You to Follow

An unhealthy lifestyle and stressful work-life balance are significant contributors to more than one-third of the US population being obese. The staggering numbers account for most people in the country struggling with their weight and the ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Although people are becoming aware of the dangerous effects, including heart diseases, the risk of stroke, and cancers, very few people still make healthy choices in time.


Therefore, primary care physicians in West Babylon advise people to visit health care centers for routine check-ups and professional assistance in healthy lifestyle management. 

Lifestyle management has emerged as a prominent field of science that works to integrate lifestyle-based healthy habits into a person's daily routine. It mainly deals with changes in eating habits, exercising, and monitoring other health conditions through regular medical testing. 

The five key elements that primary care physicians and their team of lifestyle management experts work with are:

  • Eating Habits. Food is the fuel of our body. Hence, it should be everyone's priority to feed their body the most nutritious and organic food in the required proportions. However, many people today tend to gravitate towards convenience food full of preservatives and added sugar. Instead, nutritionists recommend a low-fat, low-carbohydrate diet packed with ample proteins. A simple habit, to begin with, can be to start eating at least five fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

  • Physical Activity. A sedentary lifestyle is the biggest cause of increasing obesity among Americans. Any amount of physical activity can help revitalize your organs and give you more energy. Therefore, listen to your physician when they advise you to exercise for at least 30 minutes 4 to 5 days a week. It can be taking a stroll in your garden or taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

  • Sleep Patterns. Contrary to the modern mentality of working hard and losing sleep, a good night's sleep is just as important for your body’s health as is eating healthy, if not more. Thus, every adult should get at least 7 to 9 hours of sound sleep every night to maintain healthy body functions and keep fatigue and ailments at bay.

  • Stress Management. Millennials’ life today is full of stress due to work, studies, and all the extra pressure of maintaining an active social life. No wonder mental disorders stemming from poor work-life balance are being reported higher than ever today. So, in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle, one has to be able to manage stress levels properly. Therefore, work with your healthcare providers to create your own stress management strategy which may include meditation, yoga, or simply journaling at the end of the day.

  • Specific Conditions. Unfortunately for some, following these healthy habits may not be just enough to achieve a healthy mind and body, especially for people suffering from medical conditions, like diabetes, inconsistent blood pressure, etc. So, if you face these problems, or are struggling with smoking or alcohol consumption, seek medical assistance for healthy lifestyle management.

So, consult with your primary care physicians and their team of internal medicine specialists and nutritionists in Long Island, NY, to help you steer towards a healthy lifestyle. Book an appointment at MKR Medical PC today for the best health care services in New York.


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