Tuesday, February 21, 2023

How Do You Know When You Should See A Podiatrist?

If you are experiencing pain in your foot and ankle, it might be time to see a podiatrist. Various types of health issues may impact your feet, and one of the specialist doctors to see these foot problems is a podiatrist. A podiatrist is a specialist that focuses on all ailments related to feet and ankles. If you are experiencing any of the below-listed signs, it is time that you need to have a consultation with a podiatrist in New York regarding the problem.

You Suspect A Sprain, Strain, Or Broken Bone –

A podiatrist is a foot and ankle specialist who treats sprains, strains, and fractured bones. They can assess your injury and recommend a course of therapy. They can also assist in the creation of a flexible cast to aid in the healing of the affected area. Foot swelling and redness, difficulty walking, and increased discomfort after an injury are all reasons to contact a podiatrist.

A Blister, Ulcer, Or Sore That Won’t Go Away –

In most cases, a small blister is not a cause for concern. Those with diabetes, in particular, may find that a tiny sore can grow into a huge ulcer if not treated properly. Black tissues or gangrene around the lesion are common symptoms of severe foot ulcers. Keep a watch out for any signs of infection, such as redness surrounding the cut or pain near the area. Something unexpected like this should be investigated by a physician immediately once, especially if diabetes is involved. Depending on the circumstances, you should request an immediate appointment with a doctor to examine any irregularities in the foot and ankle area, as a small blister can soon become a significant problem for someone suffering from diabetes.

Nail Fungus –

Nail fungus incidences have increased dramatically as the popularity of nail salons and regularly scheduled pedicures have grown. If you ignore this problem, you will not only have a thick and discolored toenail, but you will also risk spreading it to your other toenails.

A Reoccurring Case Of Athlete’s Foot –

This is one of the most common causes of fungal infection, and it can usually be treated with over-the-counter lotions, ointments, or sprays. If the athlete's foot returns, a podiatrist in New York can prescribe a more effective cream or oral medicine and check for infection.

You Have An Ingrown Toenail –

If you have an ingrown toenail, get professional help instead of attempting removal on your own. As a toenail digs into the skin around it, a painful condition can develop that can eventually become serious. Since ingrown toenails don't just disappear, it's best to get professional help to get rid of them. The safest and least uncomfortable way to treat an ingrown toenail is to have it surgically removed by a podiatrist.

So, the aforementioned are some conditions that it is time for you to have a consultation with a podiatrist regarding the foot problem. If you are suffering from any of these conditions, and looking for a renowned primary care doctor in Brooklyn, NY, regarding this, then look no further than MKR Medical PC

Contact their specialist team at (718) 303-0851 for an expert consultation today!

Discover the Necessity of Visiting a Podiatrist!

A podiatrist is a medical professional with expertise in diagnosing, treating, and preventing conditions and injuries related to the feet an...