Thursday, November 22, 2018

Treatment for the different types of Hypertension

Stress has become one of the most common truths of our life. Be it  a student, a businessman, a teacher or almost every person has it. According to the research, about 1 of 3 U.S. adults—or about 75 million people—have hypertension or high blood pressure. It is also true that hypertension leads to about 1000 deaths per day in the country. Many people opt for hypertension treatment in Long Island to have a control on the variety of diseases that stem from high blood pressure.
The hypertension is root cause of stroke, heart attack, sleep apnea, and even chronic kidney disease. Once the reason behind the hypertension is found, only then it can be controlled and treated. However, before the experts start giving prescription is important that they find what kind of hypertension is the person suffering from.

Types Of Hypertension

Malignant Hypertension
This is one of the most dangerous and deadly types of hypertension. Commonly known as the “Silent Killer”, the malignant hypertension does not always show any kind of outward signs or symptoms that might aid in its detection. Some signs that malignant hypertension might have are:
  • Blurry vision or any sudden changes in vision
  • Chest Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Numbness or weakness in the arms or legs
  • Shortness of breath
  • Headaches
  • Reduced urine output

The treatment for the malignant hypertension includes using intravenous drug is nitroprusside that can only be administered and prescribed by the experts.

Resistant Hypertension
The resistant hypertension is the type of high blood pressure that is most difficult to bring in control. The resistant hypertension treatment in Long Island includes finding the root cause behind the problem and solving it to solve the condition. There are always underlying medical condition that cause this kind of hypertension. The most common causes behind resistant hypertension are:
  • Hormonal abnormalities in the hormones especially the ones that balance and control blood pressure.
  • The huge deposits of artery-clogging plaque in blood vessels that nourish kidneys. This is medically known as renal artery stenosis.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Obesity or a heavy intake of alcohol

Resistant hypertension needs to be treated by identifying and reversing the variety of lifestyle choices. Right medicines also play a big part in coping with the resistant hypertension.

Pulmonary Hypertension
Another form of hypertension that can progressively become worse with time if not taken care of is pulmonary hypertension. The basic signs of this hypertension are:
  • Shortness of breath during normal routine activity
  • Fatigue
  • Chest pain
  • A racing heartbeat
  • Pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen near the liver
  • Decreased appetite

The experts use medication and oxygen therapy to lessen and manage symptoms and better the quality of life.

Want to know more about hypertension? Contact expert cardiologists at Rybstein Medical. They are brand new medical facility with experts specialists and proper hypertension treatment in Long Island.

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