Friday, October 11, 2019

Varicose Veins Treatment: Healing & After Care

Varicose Veins is a condition in which the veins present in the legs appear as bulging out. Varicose veins can result in the development of various underlying diseases. Varicose veins can be blue, red, or purple in color. Varicose veins can result in a lot of pain if left untreated. It is best that you get Varicose Veins Treatment in Long Island for better health. 

Varicose veins can get triggered because of various factors. It could be because of standing for longer hours or performing rigorous exercises. But with medical advancements and technological improvements, eliminating varicose veins has become very easy. 

What are the methods of treating varicose veins
Varicose veins can result in the development of venous disease in the body. Venous diseases weaken the heart valves that are responsible for pumping blood through the veins in the body to different organs that play a vital function in the maintenance of good health. When blood is not able to reach the heart effectively, it might lead to the formation of blood clots. This leads to the discoloration of the veins. 
Earlier, the most popular way of treating varicose veins was through vein stripping. It is a surgical procedure that is practiced by vein experts with the help of anesthesia. The surgery used to be invasive, painful, and uncomfortable. Below mentioned are the most effective and modern ways of treating varicose veins: 

  • Radiofrequency Ablation (RA)
  • Phlebectomy
  • Venaseal
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT)
With the help of these treatments, you can minimize the appearance of varicose veins and enjoy better health. 
How long does it take for the treatment to show results?
This is one of the most concerning factors that the patients have. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on how perfectly the surgery has been performed. In many cases, the effects of the treatment can be seen immediately. You must make sure that you seek medical attention for Varicose Veins Treatment in Long Island

One of the biggest concerns patients have regarding the different types of treatment options for varicose veins is how effectively they work in eliminating varicose veins. In many cases, you may begin to see improvement immediately after treatment.
With vein treatment, the damaged vein does not actually heal. Instead, the blood is rerouted to healthier veins, which then causes the varicose vein to disappear. The exact time it takes for the veins to disappear can range from several weeks to a month or more after treatment, depending on the severity and number of varicose veins you have treated. In most cases, recovery after vein ablation is so complete that eventually, the appearance of them will be virtually invisible even to ultrasound machines.

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