Monday, November 15, 2021

What are the Three Most Common Heart Disease Risk Factors?

Almost half the population in the U.S. suffers from some type of heart disease. Although many people develop heart diseases due to the natural aging process, a poor lifestyle may also lead to health conditions that may increase the risk of heart diseases. Some of these causes cannot be controlled, but there are various factors that can be managed with regular cardiac testing in New York to reduce the risk of heart diseases.  


Following are three common risk factors of heart disease that can be controlled with regular monitoring: 

High Blood Pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the top factors that put you at an increased risk of a stroke. It is also referred to as the “silent killer,” as it usually does not show any obvious symptoms in the beginning. BP is a chronic health condition that is highly common among the U.S. population. It is generally recommended for people over 50 to consult with a cardiologist in Brooklyn, NY, and get regular testing to control their blood pressure levels and reduce the risk of heart diseases.

Uncontrolled Cholesterol 

Uncontrolled cholesterol can clog the heart’s arteries and reduce the blood flow to the heart and other major organs. It is also a primary contributing factor for coronary artery disease development.  However, similar to blood pressure, high cholesterol may not produce any specific symptoms. Therefore, it is best to get checked by a cardiologist in Brooklyn, especially if you have a family history of cholesterol.

Poor Lifestyle Habits

And of course, many heart diseases are caused due to a poor lifestyle. For example, an unhealthy diet, smoking, lack of physical activities, and obesity are some of the leading risk factors for heart diseases. In that case, you can reduce the risk of heart diseases by making healthy changes in your lifestyle and consulting with experienced primary care physicians and cardiac experts.

If you need cardiac testing services in Brooklyn, NY, Schedule a consultation with our healthcare experts today!


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