Thursday, June 14, 2018

Different Diseases Related to Heart

Nowadays, it is very important to stay updated with at least the basic terminology of the heart. It is important because the number of ailments related to the heart is increasing day-by-day. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women. According to the data given by the CDC, more than six million people die of the heart attack annually in the US.

Let's discuss the basic terminology regarding the heart. A heart works with the combination of different functions. Cardiac is related to heart and vascular is related to blood vessels. If there is a problem in either of them it leads to a heart problem. A cardiologist is an expert who deals with all kind of problems related to the heart. Some different diseases related to heart are discussed below-

  • Coronary artery disease- Coronary artery disease (CAD) causes flawed blood flow in the arteries. Basically, arteries are responsible to supply the blood to the heart. CAD is the common form of heart disease that affects around 16.5 million people having the age of 20 or more in the US. CAD causes chest pain and heart attack (myocardial infarction).

  • Coronary heart disease- CHD ( Coronary heart disease) is one of the popular ailments related to the heart which kills more than three million people every year.  Myocardial infarction is generally faced by the women while experiences menopause. So, it is a major concern in women.

  • Valvular heart disease- As mentioned above they are the diseases related to the heart valves. There are four valves present in the heart which controls the blood flow from and out of the heart. Sometimes these valves don't work well or properly. Problems related to valvular heart diseases are- the improper closing of the valve (prolapse), leaking of a heart valve, and narrowing of heart valves (stenosis).

  • Cardiomyopathy- Cardiomyopathy is the disease related to heart muscles which include problems such as- enlargement of the heart muscle (dilated),  thickening of the heart muscle (hypertrophic), and loss of heart muscle (ischemic). one more thing is the extended size of the heart for unknown reasons.

To test such diseases, a lot of tests are done by the cardiologist. Do you have chest ache or facing any problem regarding heart? Are you looking for the cardiologist in New York? Contact- cardiologists at Rybstein Medical. They are a brand new medical facility with experts.

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